Voices Advance is a consulting practice that specializes in progressive, youth development approaches and Out-of-School-Time learning.  We offer comprehensive after school and summer program design, youth development staff trainings, program quality improvement and site director coaching. 

We provide OST training and consulting services for: Global Community Charter School, Governor’s Committee on Scholastic Achievement, Bronx House, DREAM (formerly Harlem RBI), The Partnership for After School Education, The Partnership, The Katmint Learning Initiative and YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood.

Enrichment: Anthropology Arts Program

Our Anthropology classes enhance the school day curriculum by offering unique projects that deeply engage students. Sessions complement the DOE social studies scope & sequence as well as The Blue Print Standards for the Arts. Popular units include: Cultural Traditions of India & Pakistan, Ancient China and Greek Artifact Study. Workshops are available for after school programs, school residencies and pop ups for grades K-8.

We currently partner with five schools: PS 10, PS 32, PS 58, Lehman Manhattan Prep and PS 172.

Museum Education 

By bringing our youth development, constructivist strategies into the museum, youth are more engaged in learning and have better experiences. We specialize in: designing interactive tours and tour activities for exhibits, creating workshops for school groups to complement exhibits. creating  workshops to be led by museum educators in school classrooms and training museum educators youth development strategies.

For more info contact us at info@voicesadvance.com